Economic Kaleido Awards Umanshi's PR Campaign

Economic Times Kaleido Awards: Umanshi’s Award-Winning PR Campaign

Economic Kaleido Awards Umanshi's PR Campaign


Economic Times Kaleido Awards 2024 Recognising India's Ace Communicators

Date: May 9, 2024
Venue: The Leela Ambience, Gurugram

In the vibrant tapestry of India's communication landscape, the Economic Times Kaleido Awards 2024 stands tall as a beacon of recognition and excellence. These awards aim not only to acknowledge outstanding work but also to celebrate purpose-driven initiatives that leave a lasting impact.

The Economic Times Kaleido Awards honor the remarkable achievements of public relations and corporate communication professionals and organizations across various categories. From Special Awards to Practice Area Awards and Industry Awards, the spectrum of recognition spans over 50 categories, reflecting the diverse and dynamic nature of the communications industry.

Entries submitted under the Industry Awards and Practice Area Awards categories undergo rigorous evaluation based on criteria such as Originality & Creativity, Strategy & Research, Execution, Target Audience, and Measurable Results delivered by a campaign. For Special Awards, the evaluation extends to assessing the goals and objectives of the campaign, coupled with the challenges faced and achievements unlocked.

Setting the Stage: Celcius Logistics and the Need for Change

Celcius Logistics, India's leading cold chain marketplace, approached Umanshi Marketing with a unique challenge. Despite their pioneering efforts in the cold chain sector, Celcius struggled with industry recognition and awareness. Recognizing the critical need to bridge this gap, Umanshi Marketing embarked on a mission to position Celcius as the frontrunner in revolutionizing India's cold supply chain.

Crafting a Multi-Faceted PR Approach

1. Brand Positioning

Umanshi Marketing developed a powerful brand positioning – "The Unbroken Coldchain." This succinct tagline encapsulated Celcius' end-to-end mastery of the cold chain, resonating with stakeholders and effectively communicating the company's value proposition.

2. Targeted Media Placements

To amplify Celcius' presence, Umanshi strategically placed the company in targeted media outlets. From investors to trade media, Celcius' success stories and industry insights were prominently featured, highlighting their market leadership and strategic initiatives. The campaign leveraged the Economic Times Kaleido Awards 2024 as focal points, maximizing exposure and recognition.

3. Social Impact and Influencer Outreach

Beyond traditional media channels, Umanshi leveraged social media platforms and influencer networks to amplify Celcius' message. By highlighting Celcius' commitment to fighting food wastage and promoting environmental sustainability, the campaign resonated with socially conscious consumers, setting Celcius apart from its competitors.

The Phenomenal Results

Economic Times Kaleido Awards Propel Celcius Logistics to Prominence The impact of "The Unbroken Coldchain" campaign surpassed expectations, delivering remarkable results for Celcius Logistics:

  • Over 1,000 organic media placements, dominating 80% of the cold chain conversation in India.
  • Celcius' founder, Swarup Bose, emerged as a prominent industry thought leader, securing over 18 speakership opportunities and prestigious industry awards.
  • Brand awareness skyrocketed, leading to a significant funding of Rs 100 Cr and a 30% reduction in the sales cycle.
  • Celcius expanded its operations from 5 to 25 cities, tripled its business partnerships, and witnessed a substantial quadrupling of its team size.

Beyond PR: A Catalyst for Growth and Economic Times Kaleido Awards Recognition

"The Unbroken Coldchain" campaign wasn't merely about garnering headlines; it became a catalyst for Celcius Logistics' growth and success. The strategic communication efforts impacted business operations, investor interest, and employer branding, positioning Celcius as a leader in India's cold chain revolution. The campaign's success at the Economic Times Kaleido Awards 2024 further validated Celcius' industry leadership and innovation.

Umanshi Marketing: Your Powerhouse for Industry Transformation

Our groundbreaking PR approach, exemplified by the award-winning "The Unbroken Coldchain" campaign, doesn't just earn accolades—it transforms businesses into industry powerhouses. With Umanshi Marketing, you'll experience strategic communication and impactful storytelling that solidifies your position as a market leader. Trust us to navigate the evolving landscape of logistics and beyond, driving transformation and success every step of the way. Choose Umanshi Marketing for unparalleled expertise and full-stack marketing solutions tailored to your unique goals.